Thursday, May 31, 2012


Section two of slatsz' wildflower walks, 2012

This tree is near the west end of the park on the north side. I didn't see it when it was in bloom. I'm guessing it is an apple tree. Is that so?

I photograhed it first on May 19, 2012

This shrub is very near the east end of the park just off the sourthern most access trail. As you can see it is in deep grass.
I photographed it first on May 19, 2012

These herbs are on the mudflat recently flooded, west of North Pond. Grant found them and showed them to me.

I first photographed them May 29, 2012

This herb too was on or near the mudflat/ It was surrounded by other mudflat herbs.

It was photographed June 07, 2012

I suppose this is an escaped domestic.I didn't find it while it was in bloom. It was past bloom when I photographed it June 12, 2012

They are near the east-west line of boulders at the east end of the park. They are not far west of the spurge.

This strange patch is out in the open north of the east-west boulders. The blossoms are strangely tall.

Apparently they had been in bloom some time before I photographed them on June 12, 2012. I wonder if the petals are as irregular as they seem in these photos.

This strange plant was in the deep grass on the east side of North Pond. The area would have been flooded. It was a short distance north of the big willow.

I knocked off at least one petal transporting it.

I photographed it June 15, 2012